I have been away for awhile relaxing and recharging for the new year, so I am excited to be back to my normal routine well rested.
If you are looking to lose weight this new year this blog is not for you. The next couple of blogs are full of carbs, sugar and nothing I would really call “healthy”. I really enjoyed this break and was able to take some time and do a deep clean of the house and make some more time consuming food.
The first dish I made in the new year that I LOVED was Focaccia bread. I have been looking at different bread recopies for awhile now but just did not have the time to commit to making it. Let me tell you this bread from beginning to end took about 5 hours. The reward was well worth it, but you must have the time.
The bread cooked up crispy on top and soft and bubbly on the inside. The bread was done about 15 min. before dinner and my husband ate about half the pan, AND the great thing was we got to use my dipping spices that I made over the summer (see another blog for those ingredients). I am looking forward to making different kinds of bread and really cant wait.
A picture of the dough before I placed it in the oven.
I love this recipe! I make it all the time.