I found these cute little pumpkin treat bags on Martha Stewart.com. I could not find mini craft bags like the instructions called for but I did find some small orange bags which are perfect. It allows me to place four pieces of fun sized candy in them, so each child gets one of each.
This was my first time using floral tape. I was not aware that the tape is sticky on both sides. Next time I make these I am going to look for an alternative to the floral tape or maybe a different brand of floral tape.
These are just such a cute little idea, I love it. I also decided to take a black sharpie and draw a face on the pumpkins. It just makes the pumpkins a little more festive looking. I can’t wait to give these out on Halloween night and to bring some into work for my coworkers.
I am going to have to get another bowl. All the pumpkins are not going to fit in one bowl. They just look so cute.
I made some pupmkins without faces on them.
I put faces on some of the pumpkins. It was hard to place faces on some of the pumpkins but it looks so cute.
Some of the finished pumpkins. They are just too cute. I can't wait to hand them out on Halloween night.
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