First I should explain what a Brookie is. It is half brownie and half chocolate chip cookie. The recipe tasted great but the presentation not so much. They looked like bran muffins and before I could convenience my husband to try he made me give a little piece to my dog. My husband knew that if it was a bran muffin the dog would have never eaten it haha. He liked the way it tasted but like I said the presentation had a lot to be desired. I will try them again and see what happens once when I have the correct the cooking equipment.
A few of the Brookie, I guess they kind of look like bran muffins.
This picture you can really see the difference between the cookie and the brownie.
wow, these look really good even if your husband said the presentation was lacking. i can definitely tell from here that they are cookies on top of brownies, not bran muffins. i just got the urge to make cookies so i started looking up recipes on and i saw your review of the brookies. i've got to run to the store to pick up some supplies and then to the kitchen!
Thanks I have alot of other Martha recipes from Martha on my blog. Let me know how they come out.